26 May 2013

The Guardian's CiF - the travesty continues

In most (all) cases our friends in CiF Watch do a sterling job of fisking their chief subject. Still, there are some little but sublime moments that could easily escape the attention of people busy with serious things. So here comes a snapshot of the "Most viewed" column of CiF, of May 25, 2013. It reflects on both the contents of CiF and its readers, so without further ado:



SnoopyTheGoon said...

Hmm. There's a hint of a connection there but I'm too brainwashed to see what it is at the moment. But it will come to me. Perhaps. Maybe.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

So now we're supposed to care about what's happening to O.J. Simpson? The man's finally in jail, albeit not for the most heinous crime he's guilty of.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

The only connection to be seen is utter derangement of both the Guardian and its loyalists.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

As you can see, it's the general idea of the prisoners being taken care of, which seems to be one of the main problems British readers are supposed to be excited about.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Maroon it is.