20 May 2013

Stop demonizing Islam, Muslims and Palestinians. Please?

There is a site named Loonwatch.com, dedicated to debunking all kinds of slander, libel and falsehoods aimed at Muslim world. I have stumbled on this article while looking for something else and had to read it 3 (three) times to believe my eyes. I have taken a snapshot of the part that matters to keep it for posterity, just in case the author(s) realizes own phenomenal stupidity. So here it is, click on the snapshot to embiggen and read slowly.

(Hint: it's in the last paragraph)


SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oh, poo. Go ahead and demonize them.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

No, deity forbid - why waste the effort, when they do it so efficiently themselves.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Wow! That's like a lawyer claiming that his client can't be guilty of molesting Child A because he was busy molesting CHILD B at the time and he has pictures to prove it.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I think, from a legal point of view, that argument would hold water. But only temporarily. Because the defendant would get arrested for the second offense as soon as he was found not guilty of the first offense.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I am far from being a lawyer, but what if he is let go as a result of mistrial? Whatever...