25 October 2012

More reading comprehension problems

That headline really threw me:

Ex-teacher, NFL cheerleader and student lover talk about relationship

Student, I says to myself, who snared a teacher and an NFL cheerleader in a ménage à trois, must be one hyperactive youngster.



Shaun Downey said...

It does make one think of something even more sordid!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oh no...

KatieNorcross said...

Snoopy there are only 2 people in this relationship. The teacher is the former NFL cheerleader. And cheerleaders are only there to "service" the football players. It is why you never let them be teacher.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Yes, but the headline confused me st the first glance...

Dick Stanley said...

Mr. B's third grade teacher was the, uh, singer in a grunge band. Their web site showed that her "singing" was mainly shouting four-letter words at the top of her voice. The mother of one of Mr.'s pals yanked him out of the class when the word got out. Mr. B. liked her and so we took a chance. It seemed to work out. But it shows that school boards will hire anyone these days.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, even former cheerleaders have to work somewhere, I guess.