This is a call for immediate action. All the Tweeterheads, please join the new movement to help a man in a terrible situation. I am talking about the Dubai police chief, Dhahi Khalfan, who suffers some rare chemical imbalance that causes him to erupt in public places, such as Twitter. And a man looks so nice and cuddly in this picture:
For some reason he has chosen another picture for his avatar on Twitter:
I have even briefly suspected that this is another man, but the expert doesn't think so.
Anyhow, please head to Twitter and try to save Dhahi, following the hashtag #ILoveDhahiKhalfan. Don't forget, the man has brought us a few funny moments, aside of letting all 358 (by his count) Mossad people go.
After all, we don't want him to be consumed by his terrible accumulation of bile, for some reason directed against poor old Shimon, do we?