22 March 2010

Richard Landes on Goldstone Report in MERIA Journal

The first part of this two-part article explores the pervasive flaws that mar the UNHRC's "Gaza Fact-Finding Mission Report." It focuses on an interlocking combination of problems: 1) its failure to investigate seriously the problem of Hamas embedding its war effort in the midst of civilians in order to draw Israeli fire and then accuse Israel of war crimes; 2) its astonishing credulity concerning all Palestinian claims, contrasted with a corresponding skepticism of all Israeli claims; 3) its harsh judgments on Israelis for war crimes (i.e., deliberate targeting of civilians), contrasted with its resolute agnosticism concerning Hamas intentions. The result is that Goldstone actually participates in Hamas' strategy and encourages the sacrificing of their own civilians.
Part One: A Failure of Intelligence
The second part of this two-part article explores two main themes: 1) How journalists and human rights NGOs created the body of information Goldstone largely replicated, and 2) the role of intimidation and advocacy on journalists, NGO workers, witnesses, and judges. It concludes with an analysis of how such a systematic misrepresentation of events repeatedly occurred and the dangerous results for the very cause Goldstone espouses--the protection of civilians and the human rights culture.
Part Two: A Miscarriage of Human Rights


bav said...

i think it's an important point also to read what the other side( israeli side ) says
I added a link

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Er... I thought I am on that other side?

Dick Stanley said...

My side, your side, we all have a side (and a top and a bottom). Sounds like Obamalot's ongoing "confusion" of Judea and Samaria settlements and Jerusalem apartment buildings. Couldn't be on purpose, could it?

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, we are a small place and details like these may be not seen from the rariefied atmosphere of WH...