14 March 2010

HAARP, earthquakes and conspinut's mind

I've got to this post thanks to Lesley. The headline conveys the essence of the UFO Blogger discovery:

NASA Scientist : HAARP Causes Earthquakes

The idea is not original by itself, the subject is being chewed upon in many blogs, various militia and conspiracy sites etc. However, this specific post shows extremely well the kind of perverted "logic" applied by conspiracy nuts to everything they deem to be a sinister government's, Illuminati's, Elders', masons', Bilderberg's, you-name-it's, conspiracy.

The gist of the info collected by UFO Blogger is that some NASA physicists hope to create an early earthquake warning system based on electric disturbances in ionosphere preceding the earthquakes. The way our distinguished blogger's mind works, it performed an immediate mental flip-flop and here we go: HAARP is dealing with study of such disturbances and sometimes causing them on purpose - ergo, HAARP is causing the earthquakes.

Brilliant, ain't it? I bet UFO Blogger believes that wind is caused by the trees shaking, the boogieman is wetting his bed every night and the stork that brought him to his mom and dad didn't drop him head down into the hearth.

Well, I have some news for UFO blogger...


jams o donnell said...

oh for f*ck's sake.... Still who would irritate me if we didn't have tinfoil hatted idiots? Oh yes, politicians, religious types, bigots, mornons....

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Yep, no lack of irritants, is there?

Lesley said...

Quit bursting my bubble!  If earthquakes aren't created by the government that must mean that God really is angry with us! :)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I hope this wasn't a part of your bubble, Lesley :)

Besides, why blame HAARP? I was just jealous that they dont' blame the Elders...

Dick Stanley said...

I wouldn't be surprised if NASA was doing it. Not on purpose, of course. They've already proved they couldn't run a low-orbit shuttle program without losing two of them and their crews.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, don't ascribe to NASA too much, Dick. They do what they can, as you have mentioned ;)

ahrcanum said...

Still- The HAARP dot gov web page says it is running tests to heat the ionosphere for scientific purposes. HAARP tho isn't NASA- it is U.S. Military.
Here's 30 or so more article on earthquake conspiracy at http://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/ .  Bring your
tinfoil hat... when reading this particular one http://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

Uhu... thanks... I guess.