13 March 2009

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the toy monkey and confirmation of Darwinism

Sometimes people erroneously perceive their destiny in life. This is what may have happened with Mahmoud the Mad too.

The embarrassing disclosure was made on Amoo Pourang (Uncle Pourang), a programme watched by millions of Iranian children three times a week on state TV. It came when the unsuspecting presenter, Dariush Farziayi, asked the name of the toy animal his young caller had been given as a reward for good behaviour.

"Well, my father calls him Ahmadinejad," the child replied.
Of course, Mahmoud wasn't happy with that answer, and the TV program is being shut down. However, there is more to the story than just a random blooper:

Many a besieged scientist in these mad days of intelligent design and whatnot will be grateful for this support.

Hat tip: David All.