02 March 2009

Carlos the Jackal - looking for new friends?

I am still not sure that this is not an over-elaborated joke. Carlos the Jackal (yeah, some youngsters better look up this Wiki entry - at least) is writing a letter to the POTUS - Barack Obama hisself.

Our Comrade Bruno BRÉGUET, a swiss citizen, was abducted on 11th November 1995 from a ferry-boat between Italy and Greece, in a special operation with NATO naval support.

We pray you to have Bruno released.

We were informed unofficially, that Bruno died accidentally during interrogation at a U.S. base in the south of Hungary.

If Bruno truly is dead, we need his body back, so his relatives, friends, and comrades, may mourn in neutral Switzerland, this hero of the Palestinian Cause, and his eternal soul join our martyrs in heaven.
If that Bruno character croaked (as should Carlos do too), it could be only for good reasons. Otherwise, more powers to whoever disappeared him.

But the real smasher comes in the footnote:
And as your Luo grandfather would say:


I remain, Mister President, yours in revolution,