Two Northern California men and two Georgians say they've got a body, a photo and DNA evidence pertaining to the elusive forest-dwelling man-ape — and that they'll reveal all at a press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., on Friday.Two Georgians. Aren't they supposed to be fighting them Russians? Nah, it's an old one.
Now we can sleep well, without all that shouting and lights in the neighborhood forests.
Update: missed this part with more details. And the happy hunters site here, which is overloaded, it appears.
Update 2: no, after all this doesn't look like Jimmy Hoffa carelessly wrapped up in a rug.
Update 3: a stray thought while looking at "before" and "after" pictures of the freezer here - where do they chill the Bud cans now?
Update 4: marginally more here. Maybe still Hoffa? Go figure...