Cannot say I like Maradona. The opposite will be true, to tell you the truth - I feel a deep revulsion toward this character and have expressed this feeling in my own endearing manner. The man has done a lot in his life I wouldn't like my children and future grandchildren (and all the rest of children in the world, come to think of it) to repeat.
So I cannot say that I read these news with a feeling even remotely resembling regret.
Wed Jun 07, 09:17 AM EST
ROME (AP) - Diego Maradona had some time on his hands near Naples on Tuesday until Italy's tax police took two Rolex watches from the Argentine soccer legend to chip away at his $30 million euro ($42.75 million Cdn) bill in unpaid income taxes.
"We were surprised he was wearing them because he knows that when he comes to Italy he risks losing something," said Tax Police Maj. Geremia Guercia, speaking by phone from the Naples suburb of Giugliano In Campania.
Somehow I am not surprised. Say what you will, but even one Rolex tells something about a person's taste and character. Two Rolexes on two wrists... nah, better not to go into it...
So a liar (Hand of God, indeed!), a junkie, a drunk, a compulsive eater and a populist demagogue adds another small vice to the list - tax evasion.
So - what else is new?
09 June 2006
Italian tax police take two Rolex watches from Maradona's wrists
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