24 May 2011

Mahmoud the Mad's real problem and it's solution

Haaretz on-line edition goes out of its way today to promote a news item of, frankly, doubtful value. Using a huge font size for the purpose. Something like this:

Ahmadinejad: U.S. plotting to sow divisions among Arab states and save Israel

They have also decided to add Mahmoud's picture of better than usual quality:

And do you know what this picture brought to my, admittedly skewed, mind of the Elder? Not the US, nor the Arab states and not even Israel. Even plotting would be a wrong answer. Here is what went through my mind:
Fights dandruff from the 1st wash; With 2% selenium sulfide to help prevent itching, scaling, irritation, and redness associated with dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Clean, Manageable Hair Everyday: Keeps hair clean and manageable; Gentle and pH balanced for everyday use - even on permed or color-treated hair.
To be helpful, I linked to Google Shopping. Of course, the S and H could be stiff, but if you order the stuff by crates, which seems to be indicated, I think it will even out in the end.

Take care, Mahmoud, and mind all that itching and irritation...

More here (NSFW).