11 February 2008

On the undersea Internet cables mystery

Only people of CNN's level of naivety could publish headlines like Ship's anchor cut Mideast Internet cable. People who really suspected something are more outspoken:

Middle East Undersea Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation?

What about those Israeli Dolphin subs?

I'll bet ISRAEL is still up and running. CIA/Mossad/M15/6 (strong arms of the military/banking/industrial complex) don't want you to see via video what they're about to do. Hang on to your hats folks.

The ziothugs and their minions are getting more brash by the day!
Folks - I am not sure brashness has anything to do with this, nor do Dolphins factor in any way in this story. Time to show the word the new Elder's achievement in genetic engineering, the proud result of the operation Fish and Chips. Here you can see a young genetically modified piranha getting its initial training:

Of course, this baby fish is about 5% of the size and weight of the fully grown Z-ranha. And underwater communication cables are just another training mission for the Zionist superfish. Equipped with an advanced gefilte chip, Z-ranha will easily destroy any seaborne enemy boat, ship, submarine, tanker, you name it. No sweat for its beryllium/diamond teeth - in a few minutes any steel armor will become a sieve and the hapless sailors - so much shark food.

And we are putting finishing touches on Z-ranha's little brother/sister - the M-rahna, a micro-piranha that will reach our enemies via sewage and water pipes, traveling in swarms of tens of even hundreds of tiny killers. No bath or even shower will remain safe. Even total abstention of washing will be in vain, because our trained squirrels (already tested in UK), homing on the smell of an unwashed anti-Zionist, will wait outside, ready to pounce...

You can run but.