29 November 2007

The sad story of Emily Sander aka Zoey Zane

That is really a story of criminal neglect, if true:

A missing Kansas college student believed to be the victim of foul play apparently led a double life as an Internet porn star by the name of Zoey Zane.
Nude photos of 18-year-old Emily Sander appeared on a Zoey Zane Web site before she vanished, and investigators are looking into whether her modeling had anything to do with her disappearance last Friday.
Apparently a beautiful girl:
Also apparently a story of a person living in a sort of communication vacuum: while a best friend and a brother (probably doting parents, too) are mentioned, no one knew what is going on? Hard to imagine.

Now it is all in sordid details, like porn sites, something euphemistically called "a Web site situation", a sordidly-sounding boyfriend who may very well appear to be the pimp who cajoled her into that "situation", blood in a cheap motel room.

And then a material for a sensational new novel...