01 October 2007

Lawyers of Pakistan clash with police and the status of my leg

When I have seen this newsflash on Ynet today, I was sure at first that someone somewhere decided to pull my leg (the question of why would the mighty Ynet focus on my leg didn't cross my mind at first).

Riot police fired tear gas and used batons on protesting lawyers as Pakistan's Election Commission rejected objections to President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's re-election bid Saturday.
My flabber was thoroughly gasted. So I have decided to check this new item. BBC:

With words to same effect. But the picture above... what can I say, I do believe my eyes, albeit with difficulty.

Deutsche Welle. Same.

Fox News. Ditto, but for some reason supported by a picture of Musharraf (I am almost sure he was not throwing stones).

After all, I can conclude, reluctantly, that my leg is probably safe for the moment.

But what is going on with that world of ours? Stone throwing lawyers now - what next?
