30 October 2007

And we shall... investigate

Meryl just mentioned "The lack of world condemnation of the Israeli raid on an nascent Syrian nuclear plant...", and here it comes:

Mohamed ElBaradei accuses Jewish state of ‘taking the law into its own hands’, says ‘if countries have information that another country is working on a nuclear-related program, they should come to us’
Yes, them are strong words ElBaradei has for the jingoist Zionist pirates. Law and order, law and order, ladies and gentlemen! After all, this is what the mighty UN is for.

Let's see what is it precisely that Mr Elbaradei has in mind for Syrians.
...if countries have information that the country is working on a nuclear-related program, they should come to us. We have the authority to go out and investigate," he said.
Uhu. Got it? They will come and investigate.

Like they did with that reactor in Iraq.
Like they did in the Balkans.
Like they do in Darfur.
Like they do in Congo.

Thanks, but no thanks.

(From Ynet via Shimshon9).

Cross-posted on Yourish.com.
