01 November 2006

Like that wasn't enough

I haven't had enough time to recover after the shock caused by Caroline Glick, and here comes another blow - from Debka this time.

According to Hamas' military plan, parts of which DEBKAfile's military sources are exclusively reporting, Hamas has come to the conclusion that firing rockets, particularly Qassams, at Israeli towns and villages is no longer effective and should be stopped. Instead of firing rockets, Hamas intends to open a barrage of around-the-clock heavy fire on Israel, using antitank missiles, short-range ground-to-ground missiles and artillery fire - similar to what Hizballah used during the Lebanon war - and mortar fire. The massive barrage of fire, Hamas believes, will prevent Israel from embarking on any military or civilian activity in a 2-km to 4-km buffer zone from the Gaza security fence. The intention is to transform all IDF bases and outposts, and all settlements in the Negev, into ghost towns, since any movement between them would entail heavy losses.
There is also a picture of the Russian anti-tank Metis M-9 launcher there:

This three-legged monster scared me shitless, I must admit - this on top of the agony of despair instilled by Caroline. I have dreamed this creature pursuing me during my afternoon workplace power nap, and it has even caused my fingers to stop imitating the usual feverish keyboard activity. At least I was told so by TheMaiden who supervises our Hasbarah cell.

Woe is upon me!
