05 April 2013

Russians having some fun with Dmitry Yakovlev bill: bring Sergey Brin back!

Dmitry Yakovlev bill is a purely political brain child of the Russian legislative branch.

The Dima Yakovlev Bill bans entry to US citizens who may have committed crimes against Russians abroad, persons involved in abduction or illegal imprisonment of Russians, as well as those who are suspected of abusing Russian children. The bill also bans US citizens from adopting Russian orphans.
For more background go to the post Dmitri Yakovlev bill - the cannibal's mistake. Russians, though, know perfectly well the whys behind this unfortunate law. They also know enough to point to one Pavel Astakhov, a lawyer, a cheap demagogue and the leading force behind this bill.

The also know how to laugh at the absurdity. Proof: an article Pavel Astakhov will bring the Google founder back to Russia. To the overly serious reader: it is a spoof, so enjoy it without reservations:

Another child once taken away to the U.S. will return to his homeland.

The developer of Google Sergey Brin, who as a child was taken to the United States, may soon return to Russia. This is what the Russia's children's rights commissioner Pavel Astakhov told Smixer.ru.

"Sergey Brin was taken away from Moscow to the U.S. at the age of 6 years - P. Astakhov said - It is unlikely that the rights of the child have been considered during this journey. "

According to the Ombudsman, Bryn must be returned to Russia. And in March federal TV channels will initiate talk shows with participation of Russian mothers who are ready to adopt Sergey for free.

Pavel Astakhov also noted that for the sake of taking care of children (and to strengthen the Russian-Ukrainian relations), he is planning to return to her homeland Milla Jovovich, who hails from Kiev, but as a child was taken to the United States.

In the photo: Pavel Astakhov looks for more Russian children to protect and return home.