13 November 2012

Foreign Affairs journal says the US-Israel link is doing just fine.

Here's an item I don't recall seeing in the hard copy of the Foreign Affairs journal when we we're, just recently, in New York (as I've said in other recent postings). Foreign Affairs, for those who've never come across it, is a high quality intellectual monthly for that hoped for creature, the highly intelligent lay-person. The articles are not for the faint-hearted; they are often densely argued; but they are argued, not asserted. In other words, they provide evidence to (dis)agree with. This article is all about the relationship between the US and Israel and argues that the relationship is not only not one-sided, but actually benefits the US. And don't US politicians know it, those who aren't dyed-in-the-wool antisemites, that is. And it has nothing to do with any Lobby, Jewish or Israeli. Nor, come to that, which party holds the White House or control of Congress.

A sample quote: "U.S.-Israeli security cooperation dates back to heights of the Cold War, when the Jewish state came to be seen in Washington as a bulwark against Soviet influence in the Middle East and a counter to Arab nationalism. Although the world has changed since then, the strategic logic for the U.S.-Israeli alliance has not. Israel remains a counterweight against radical forces in the Middle East, including political Islam and violent extremism. It has also prevented the further proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the region by thwarting Iraq and Syria’s nuclear programs."

Need more? Here are four sentences with about 6 reasons why the US-Israel link not only flourishes but is likely to remain strong: "The two countries share intelligence on terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and Middle Eastern politics. Israel’s military experiences have shaped the United States’ approach to counterterrorism and homeland security. The two governments work together to develop sophisticated military technology, such as the David’s Sling counter-rocket and Arrow missile defense systems, which may soon be ready for export to other U.S. allies. Israel has also emerged as an important niche defense supplier to the U.S. military, with sales growing from $300 million per year before September 11 to $1.1 billion in 2006, due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Israel’s military research and development complex has pioneered many cutting-edge technologies that are transforming the face of modern war, including cyberweapons, unmanned vehicles (such as land robots and aerial drones), sensors and electronic warfare systems, and advanced defenses for military vehicles."

Thus, my argument is that it probably doesn't matter who the US President is, or what his rhetoric is, this link aian't gonna be broken any time soon. Don't (want to) believe me? Then read the article, and come up with your counter-arguments:

By: Brian Goldfarb