The following two quotes say it all. But if you insist, you can read the whole article on how Galloway, yet again, makes a fool of himself, on The Commentator:
The first quote is, in fact , the headline to the article, and reads "British MP yells, "You make me sick!" at anti-Assad audience member on Islamist linked TV station" That, of course, just shows how unfit he is to be in public life. Fortunately, I'm not a constituent of his, although I do feel sorry for those who are and didn't vote for him.
The second quote just about sums up the man himself: "From being offensively condescending to downright factually inaccurate and rude, Galloway takes viewers on a journey that starts with laughter, middles in anger and culminates in disgust."
Pretty accurate character assessment, I'd say. Read and enjoy. I think.
By Brian Goldfarb.
54 minutes ago
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