03 December 2011

The EU is broke, but not so broke it can't give more money to the PA

I'm sorry to keep posting items here, people, because I'm sure there are plenty of other things to read, but I just couldn't resist this one: "Amidst Europe’s worst economic crisis in recent memory, the European Parliament (EP) has just decided to raise Europe’s aid to the Palestinians by €100 million - 30 percent more than previous years." The rest of the article, written by Emanuele Ottolenghi and Jonathan Schanzer, can be found here:

Austerity for Europe - Increased EU aid for Palestinians

By Brian Goldfarb.


Dick Stanley said...

If I remember correctly at least a portion of this money comes from us, dammit.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I believe that US donations go through a different channel and are not reported in this article.

jams o donnell said...

I can think of better uses for the money!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

He! 100 M simoleons?  You are not kidding.

KatieNorcross said...

A drop in the bucket.  Just wait.  In a year or so the EU could be asking the Fakistinians for the money back.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Be glad to see it happening.

Pisa said...

From the article:
"The EU budget decision was sealed just days before a highly anticipated summit between Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshal of Hamas – a designated terrorist group in the EU."

In other words - "let's give the PA an advantage, maybe Hamas will bite and enter a unity government, this way we'll have two terrorist oranizations leading the Palestinians. Yippee!"

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Er... that too, I guess.