It looks like Latin America is starting another swing of the hundred(s) years old pendulum. This time from a left wing (populist really) government of a single honcho intent only on keeping himself at the trough to a right-wing military junta. As if there wasn't any middle ground.
So, on one hand, you might say (and be right at that) that a military coup is no way to manage a democracy. But then you read this crap:
"This was a brutal kidnapping of me with no justification," Zelaya said.Uhu... tell it to the Marines, dear. Then - this should make you sit up and listen:
The coup was widely criticized in the region, in strongest terms by Zelaya's leftist allies, including Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.And your antennae start quivering. And then:
Zelaya, a leftist elected in 2005, had found himself pitted against the other branches of government and military leaders over the issue of Sunday's planned referendum. It would have asked voters to place a measure on November's ballot allowing the formation of a constitutional assembly that could modify the nation's charter to allow the president to run for another term.So the man was only trying to do a Hugo on his country. Just another Caudillo-to-be. Now read this - from a person who lives there and knows more about Honduras than you and me:
Do I speak for Hondurans when I say, "Leave to Honduras what is Honduran"? We don't want or need international intervention from Venezuela, Nicaragua, the US, or anyone else. I feel a little resentful hearing the meddling comments from other countries. The US can't and does not need to try to save every country in the world. Hmmm, now I understand how all those other countries feel.Uhu. No Pasaran, baby.
There is so much misinformation on the internet, even from respected news sources, about what happened here and why it happened that I am astounded.
First of all, the military did not make a coup d'etat or golpe de estado against the government of Honduras. The government of Honduras (at least two branches of it) have been and continue to be in charge. The military were just following their orders. One branch of the government, the Executive branch, put himself above the others and ignored a verdict of the Supreme Court, who agreed with the Legislative Branch, who agreed with the majority of the population. This was no out-of-control military or rogue guerrilla group taking over our government.
Apparently the Honduran constitution does need to be changed, however. It needs to allow for calm, peaceful, and legal manner of impeaching/removing a president who puts himself above the law and the other branches of government. Call what happened today an impeachment, Honduran style.
Cross-posted at