The dry language of the Times Online report doesn't reveal the unfolding court drama immediately:
A gun-toting grandmother who shot a man she says tried to mug her in her wheelchair in Harlem is being sued by the career criminal for $5 million (£3.5 million).Even the term "career criminal" is somewhat muddled in the next paragraph:
Margaret Johnson, 59, whose grandfather was an infamous Harlem crime boss who inspired a character in the film Shaft, says that she now wishes she had killed Deron Johnson when she wounded him in the arm in 2006.There seems to be a criminal career on both sides of the confrontation. Anyhow, the second Johnson (Deron) was acquitted at the trial and is now claiming $5 million in damages for permanent nerve damage suffered in the shooting. And here we are coming to my conundrum.
He said that he kicked the woman’s shihtzu dog, Malika, after it attacked him, and the pet owner shot him.If, as Ms Johnson claims, Mr Johnson was indeed trying to relieve her of her handbag and gold chain, it is really a pity she didn't shoot a bit better.
But, on the other hand, if, as Mr Johnson claims, he was fighting the abominable shihtzu dog after it attacked him, I have to say - more power to Mr Johnson. Shihtzu dogs, the revolting parody of a canine being, should be exterminated or, at least, placed in some reservation as far as possible from the human habitat.