31 July 2008

The flying pig's ordeal

The story told in these series of shots gives a new meaning to the "flying pig". Whether the experiment has been performed as a study step in Russian space program or as part of a development project for the air force ejection seat is unclear. What is clear that use of sweet dessert wine (Kagor or Cahors, as is it's original name) which may look unorthodox to NASA people is, in fact, an extension of the fine Russian tradition - one for the road! Probably the piglet wouldn't take vodka.

One other quaint detail is the label on the bottle. The first line:

  • "ЦУВСЧ" means Central Administration of Military Engineering Corps
  • "ПВО" means Air Defense Command
  • And the last, but not the least - "НКВД" - the People’s Commissariat for Interior Affairs, the precursor of the KGB (FSB these days)
So as you can see, the bottle in question has quite a pedigree!

And the second line says simply "Technical Department". Thus giving a new meaning to the term "technical"...

Gesundheit anyhow!

Via Gnotalex.