21 June 2008

Photohunt: Water

The theme for this week is "Water". A fairly useless liquid, I must say. Rusts one's innards if taken undiluted. Anyway, here we go.

To start with - the heaviest water there is - Dead Sea. Needless to say - not drinkable.

But just near these deadly waters rests Ein-Feshcha oasis, where the freshwater springs created a corner of paradise full of fauna and flora one could hardly expect on the dry and salty Dead Sea shores. A freshwater crab for your attention:

And in the next shot: this thin silver band in the middle is the mighty Jordan river on its way to the Dead Sea. Some people think it's of Mississippi size - oh well...

Now on the other side of the country - the water of Mediterranean bringing nourishment to the burgeoning weeds on these rocks.

And finally - somewhere on the other end of the world, in the middle of the desert - somebody who is real happy to be near the water:

And this concludes this week water treatment.

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