11 April 2006

Porn star's offer to Bin Laden

Italy's most famous porn star Cicciolina has offered herself to Osama Bin Laden.

The 55-year-old actress said it was about time somebody tackled the terrorist and claimed she could be just the woman for the job. Speaking at an erotic fair in Bucharest, Romania, Cicciolina said: "It is time someone did something about Bin Laden, and I am ready to do it.

There is no doubt that it is quite the time to do something about OBL. On the other hand, while not discounting the benefits of sex, I wonder whether it will do any good to this character. Unless, of course, it involves that famous snake of Cicciolina strangling the bastard for desserts.

The snake, however, must be on its last leg (it is 2006 out there, to remind you). If the snake owner looks like this today:

imagine how the poor snake fares!

It's a pity Cicciolina hasn't come up with this idea 20 year ago. It may have saved the world a lot of headache. As it is now, though, it is unclear which way the charity goes...