12 April 2006

Contribution of the Elders

This article from ABC News caught us unaware. It seems that our Eye needs some fine tuning, and the Signals department (talk about lazy no-goodniks) was duly posted about this lapse.

Pakistan's military airdropped pamphlets this week over towns in restive tribal regions near the Afghan border urging tribesmen to shun "foreign terrorists," saying they were part of a Hindu and Jewish plot. The pamphlets were dropped over Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, and Miranshah in North Waziristan as part of a campaign to win support among tribesmen who have shown sympathy for both Taliban and remnants of al Qaeda living among them.

A Reuters reporter in Tank, a town close to the boundary with the semi-autonomous tribal agency of South Waziristan, obtained one of the pamphlets, bearing the sign-off "Well Wishers, Pakistan's Armed Forces."

Titled "Warning," the pamphlets said the foreign militants were fighting against Pakistan in connivance with "Jews and Hindus," a term that would play on traditional prejudices among the region's Muslim conservatives.

There were some outcries of indignation among the Elders at first, but on the second thought: hey, folks, if it helps to rub out a few Taliban and/or al Qaeda baddies, why not?

As a gesture of good will and a visual aid to go with the pamphlets, we are providing to Pakistani Air Force the three following pictures :

We hope the pictures will go a long way toward firing up the righteous hate of the locals in Waziristan and catching and disposing of the "foreign militants".

In addition, we are searching our archives for the details of Bin Laden's pedigree, and I am happy to tell that some info has been already unearthed. It appears that he is indeed a Jew Zionist, born as Sammy Ben Lieden in Jerusalem. Here is his picture as a child:

(Don't you just hate this Zionist smirk on his face?). Anyway, you are welcome to this useful data, and we promise more.

Dear Pakistani Air Force command, please keep us posted on your further needs of hateful anti-Semitic propaganda. We know where to find it in droves.

Good luck from the Elders' Hasbara department.

Hat tip: DR